Learning Swedish - Page 2

To avoid to having to long pages with lessons for you keep scrolling and scrolling, I have divided them in different pages. There are still some lessons we have to go through before continuing the dialogues.

Lesson 14: En eller Ett + The 5 rules

I mentioned in lesson 7 that there are 5 rules. For example a lamp will be en lampa. the lamp will be lampan both of the is what they call singular, the 1st one is "Öbestämd" and the 2nd is "Bestämd" form. We have the same forms if there are more than 1 or so to say plural. For example two lamps will be två lampor and the lamps will be lamporna.

Confusing? Do not worry, I will show you.

En or Ett Group Singular Öbestämd Singular Bestämd Plural Öbestämd Plural Bestämd English Audio
En 1: words end with a En lampa Lampan lampor lamporna A lamp, The lamp, Lamps, The lamps
En 2: Short words, and words ending with: e/el/en/er/on/ing and ning En bil bilen bilar bilarna A car, The car, Cars, The cars
En 3: words used from other countries En student Studenten Studenter Studenterna A student, The student, Students, The students
Ett 4: words end with e or other vowels Ett äpple Äpplet Äpplen Äpplena An apple, The apple, Apples, The apples
Ett 5: other short words that do not end with a vowels Ett hus Huset Hus Husen A house, The house, Houses, The houses

You see that in rule 5 that the singular and plural öbestämd stay the same. The words end in A and an changes to Or and Orna, while the short words with in group 2 changes to Ar and arna, etc.

Go to the next lesson for more samples and practising. We will have soon another quiz to test your learning skills.

Lesson 15: More en - ett words per Rule group

Group 1 Singular Öbestämd Singular Bestämd Plural Öbestämd Plural Bestämd English Audio
floor mat En matta Mattan Mattor Mattorna A mat, The mat , Mats, The mats
picture En tavla Tavlan Tavlor Tavlorna A painting, The painting , Paintings, The paintings
trappa En trappa Trappan Trappor Trapporna A stair, The stair , Stairs, The stairs
sofa En soffa Soffan Soffor Sofforna A sofa, The sofa , Sofas, The sofas
shelf En hylla Hyllan Hyllor Hyllorna A shelf, The shelf , Shelves, The Shelves
pot En kruka Krukan Krukor Krukorna A pot, The pot , Pots, The pots
box En låda Lådan Lådor Lådorna A box, The box , Boxes, The boxes
Group 2 Singular Öbestämd Singular Bestämd Plural Öbestämd Plural Bestämd English Audio
gang En hall Hallen Hallar Hallarna A hall, The hall , Halls, The halls
elevator En hiss Hissen Hissar Hissarna An elevator, The elevator, Elevators, The elevators
table_cloth En duk Duken Dukar Dukarna A tablecloth, The tablecloth, Tablecloths, The tablecloths
bike En cykel Cykeln Cyklar Cyklarna A bike, The bike, Bikes, The bikes
bank building En bank Banken Bankar Bankarna A bank, The bank, Banks, The banks
newspaper En tidning Tidningen Tidningar Tidningarna A newspaper, The newspaper, Newspapers, The newspapers
easy_chair En stol Stolen Stolar Stolarna A chair, The chair, Chairs, The chairs

You see in group 2 the word Cykel that there is no e between the l and n. I have no clear explanation for this, just that it is something you have the learn, rather than trying to find the logic. Like in every language. Along the way in learning Swedish you will find more examples.

Group 3 Singular Öbestämd Singular Bestämd Plural Öbestämd Plural Bestämd English Audio
servetjes En servett Servetten Servetter Servetterna A servet, The servet, Servets, The servets
dishwasher En diskmaskin Diskmaskinen Diskmaskiner Diskmaskinerna A dishwasher, The dishwasher, Dishwashers, The dishwashers
rol curtain En rullgardin Rullgardinen Rullgardiner Rullgardinerna A blind, The blind, Blinds, The blinds
toilet En toalett Toaletten Toaletter Toaletterna A toilet, The toilet, Toilets, The toilets
school_student En student Studenten Studenter Studenterna A student, The student, Students, The students
balkony En balkong Balkongen Balkonger Balkongerna A balcony, The balcony, Balconies, The balconies
terras En altan Altanen Altaner Altanerna A terrace, The terrace, Terraces, The terraces
Group 4 Singular Öbestämd Singular Bestämd Plural Öbestämd Plural Bestämd English Audio
fence Ett räcke Räcket Räcken Räckena A railing, The railing, Railings, The railings
duvet Ett täcke Täcket Täcken Täckena A duvet, The duvet, Duvets, The duvets
apple Ett äpple Äpplet Äpplen Äpplena An apple, The apple, Apples, The apples
stamp Ett frimärke Frimärket Frimärken Frimärkena A stamp, The stamp, Stamp, The stamps
profession Ett yrke Yrket Yrken Yrkena A profession, The profession, Professions, The professions
job Ett arbete Arbetet Arbeten Arbetena A job, The job, Jobs, The jobs
place Ett ställe Stället Ställen Ställena A place, The place, Places, The places
Group 5 Singular Öbestämd Singular Bestämd Plural Öbestämd Plural Bestämd English Audio
house Ett hus Huset Hus Husen A house, The house, Houses, The houses
letter Ett brev Brevet Brev Breven A letter, The letter, Letters, The letters
coffee_table Ett bord Bordet Bord Borden A table, The table, Tables, The tables
floor Ett golv Golvet Golv Golven A floor, The floor, Floors, The floors
kitchen Ett kök Köket Kök Köken A kitchen, The kitchen, Kitchens, The kitchens
bath Ett badkar Badkart Badkar Badkaren A bathtube, The bathtube, Bathtubes, The bathtubes
child Ett barn Barnet Barn Barnen A child, The child, Childeren, The Childeren

In the next lesson I will show more samples, but that are words with an irregular plural and some exceptions. As is group 1 you see that all words with a starts with en but there are words start with ett For example ett öga.

Lesson 16: Irregular Plural

Irregular and exceptions Singular Öbestämd Singular Bestämd Plural Öbestämd Plural Bestämd English Audio
book En bok Boken Böcker Böckerna A book, The book, Books, The books
farmer En bonde Bonden Bönder Bönderna A farmer, The farmer, Farmers, The farmers
brothers En bror Brodern Bröder Bröderna A brother, The brother, Brothers, The brothers
feet En fot Foten Fötter Fötterna A foot, The foot, Feet, The feet
human_hand En hand Handen Händer Händerna A hand, The hand, Hands, The hands
country Ett land Landet Länder Länderna A country, The country, Countries, The countries
shoes En sko Skon Skor Skorna A shoe, The shoe, Shoes, The shoes
city En stad Staden Städer Städerna A city, The city, Cities, The cities
beach En strand Stranden Stränder Stränderna A beach, The beach, Beaches, The beaches
eye Ett öga Ögat Ögon Ögonen An eye, The eye, Eyes, The eyes
ear Ett öra Örat Öron Öronen An ear, The ear, Ears, The ears

Quiz Time - Part 2

It is time for a quiz. Go the quiz tab and look up the "Swedish Quiz - Lessons 9 - 16" Good Luck!

Lesson 17: Opposites - Motsatser

In every language you have opposite words, like high - low, Laughing and crying. Sweden has this as well. See some have them below.

Img 1 Swe Img 2 Swe Eng Audio
round Rund flat_plat Platt Round and Flat
black Svart white Vit Black and White
dry Torr wet Vått Dry and Wet
cold Kall hot Varm eller Het Cold and Warm / Hot
light Ljus dark Mörk Light and Dark
laugh Rolig bored Tråkig Funny and Boring
stripe Randig checker Rutig Stripes and Checkered
wide Bred small_thin Small Wide and Small
fat Fet thin Tunn Fat and Thin
bend Krokig straigh Rak Straight and Bend
right Rätt wrong Fel Right and Wrong
healthy Frisk sick Sjuk Healthy and Sick
strong Stark weak Svag Strong and Weak
very light Lätt heavy Tung Strong and Weak
good Bra bad Dålig Good and Bad
beauty Vacker and for Man: Snygg ugly Ful Beautiful and Ugly
relax Lung stressed Orolig Relax and Stress
clean Ren dirty Smutsig Clean and Dirty
old Gammal young Ung Old and Young
old car Gammal new car Ny Old and New
rich Rik poor Fattig Rich and Poor
open Öppen closed Stäng Open and Closed
free Ledig busy Upptagen Free and Busy
soft Mjuk hard Hård Soft and Hard
day Dag night Natt Day and Night
whole_hel Hel broken Trasig Whole and Broken

Lesson 18: Good, Better, Best - Bra, Bättre, Bäst

In English you are aware of the following: Good, Better, Best or High, Higher, Highest I have put a list together here below. This has also a fancy group word, but as promised I will not mention it :)

Eng Swe Audio
Good, Better, Best Bra, Bättre, Bäst
Bad, Worse, Worst Dålig, Sämre, Sämst
Big, Bigger, Biggest Stor, Större, Störst
Small, Smaller, Smallest Liten/Små, Mindre, Minst
Long, Longer, Longest Lång, Längre, Längst
High, Higher, Highest Hög, Högre, Högst
Low, Lower, Lowest Läg, Lägre, Lägst
Close, Closer, Closest Nära, Närmare, Närmast
Old, Older, Oldest Gammal, Äldre, Äldst
Young, Younger, Youngest Ung, Yngre, Yngst
Much, More, Most Mycket, Mer, Mest
Many, More, Most Många, Fler, Flest
Heavy, Heavier, Heaviest Tung, Tyngre, Tyngst
Strong, Stronger, Strongest Stark, Starkare, Starkast
Happy, Happier, Happiest Glad, Gladare, Gladast
Warm, Warmer, Warmest Varm, Varmare, Varmast

Lesson 19: Mine, Hers, His - Min, Hennes, Hans

Same as in any other language, you have Me - Mine, She - Hers, He - His, Sweden has this as well. But.. As you have seen in the previous lessons you have En - Ett you see that words can and with N or T when say for example: The Apple - Äpplet or The Balcony - Balkongen. This will impact the you, me, his, hers as well. I will show you here below as well show you the usage when you 2 or more of something. In the next lesson several examples.

Eng Swe En Ett Plural Eng Audio
Me Jag Min bok Mitt hus Mina böcker / hus My book, My house / My books, My houses
You Du Din lampa Ditt äpple Dina lampor / äpplen Your lamp, Your apple / Your lamps, Your apples
He Han Hans bil Hans hus Hans bilar / hus His car, His house / His cars, His houses
She Hon Hennes soffa Hennes brev Hennes soffor / brev Her sofa, Her letter / Her sofas, Her letters
We Vi Vår balkong Vårt bord Våra balkonger / bord Our balcony, Our table / Our balconies, Our tables
You Ni Er bil Ert hus Era bilar / hus Your car, Your house / Your cars, Your houses
Their De Deras toallet Deras kök Deras toalleter / kök Their toilet, Their kitchen / Their toilets, Their kitchen

Lesson 20: Min, Hennes, Hans (Part 2)

JAG En eller Ett En eller Ett Single En eller Ett Plural Eng Audio
kompisar En kompis Min kompis Mina kompisar A friend, My friend, My friends
penna En penna Min penna Mina pennor A pen, My pen, My pens
penna En radio Min radio Mina radior A radio, My radio, My radios
bike1 En cykel Min cykel Mina cyklar A bike, My bike, My bikes
window Ett fönster Mitt fönster Mina fönster A window, My window, My windows
Du En eller Ett En eller Ett Single En eller Ett Plural Eng Audio
kids Ett barn Ditt barn Dina barn A kid, Your kid, Your kids
horsy En häst Din häst Dina hästar A horse, Your horse, Your horses
trouser Ett par byxor Ditt byxor Dina byxor A trouser, Your trouser, Your trousers
skåp Ett skåp Ditt skåp Dina skåp A closet, Your closet, Your closets
book2 En bok Din bok Dina böcker A book, Your book, Your books

Note 1: About the 1st sample "Ett barn", for sure you have thought when you read it, what? Barn has a complete different meaning in English, while in Swedish it means Kids. If they talk about barnbarn or barnbarnbarn, they are talking about grant kids or great grant kids. I will come back on family members in another lesson.

Note 2: For trousers, you see that I have added par meaning pair in English, and that each word is the same. The reason for this is that a trouser is seen as a pair eventhough you have only 1 trouser, but it has 2 legs.

Han En eller Ett En eller Ett Single En eller Ett Plural Eng Audio
boat En båt Hans båt Hans båtar A boat, His boat, His boats
balls En boll Hans boll Hans bollar A ball, His ball, His balls
tv En tv Hans tv Hans tv-er A tv, His tv, His tv's
chair2 En stol Hans stol Hans stolar A chair, His chair, His chairs
house2 Ett hus Hans hus Hans hus A house, His house, His houses
Hon En eller Ett En eller Ett Single En eller Ett Plural Eng Audio
bag En väska Hennes väska Hennes väskor A bag, Her bag, Her bags
mamma En mamma Hennes mamma Hennes mammas A mother, Her mother, Her mother's
cats En katt Hennes katt Hennes katter A cat, Her cat, Her cats
eyes2 Ett öga Hennes öga Hennes ögon A eye, Her eye, Her eyes
clock2 En klocka Hennes klocka Hennes klockor A clock, Her clock, Her clocks
Vi En eller Ett En eller Ett Single En eller Ett Plural Eng Audio
flower2 En blomma Vår blomma Våra blommor A flower, Our flower, Our flowers
table2 Ett bord Vårt bord Våra bord A table, Our table, Our tables
knive2 En kniv Vår kniv Våra knivar A knife, Our knife, Our knives
drink3 En drink Vår drink Våra drycker A drink, Our drink, Our drinks
choise Ett val Vårt val Våra val A choise, Our choise, Our choises
Ni En eller Ett En eller Ett Single En eller Ett Plural Eng Audio
building En byggnad Er byggnad Era byggnader A building, Your building, Your building
doggie En hund Er hund Era hundar A dog, Your dog, Your dog
clothes Kläder Er Kläder Era Kläder Clothes, Your clothes, Your clothes
presents En present Er present Era presenter A present, Your present, Your presents
soffa1 En soffa Er soffa Era soffor A sofa, Your sofa, Your sofas
De En eller Ett En eller Ett Single En eller Ett Plural Eng Audio
fish2 En fisk Deras fisk Deras fiskar A fish, Their fish, Their fishes
car3 En bil Deras bil Deras bilar A car, Their car, Their cars
door2 En dörr Deras dörr Deras dörrar A door, Their door, Their door
candy Godis Deras godis Deras godis A candy, Their candy, Their candies
apple3 Ett äpple Deras äpple Deras äpplen A apple, Their apple, Their apple

Click on the next Button or page number to continue to the next page with more lessons. Hope you have fun so far.