Learning Swedish - Page 1

Lesson 1: Alphabet - Alfabet

Learn the "Alphabet" in Swedish.

Letter Audio Letter Audio Letter Audio
Ä Ö alfabet

Lesson 2: Counting - Räknar

1 - En/ett 11 - Elva 21 - Tjugoett 31 - Trettioett 50 - Femtio
2 - Två 12 - Tolv 22 - Tjugotvå 32 - Trettiotvå 60 - Sextio
3 - Tre 13 - Tretton 23 - Tjugotre 33 - Trettiotre 70 - Sjuttio
4 - Fyra 14 - Fjorton 24 - Tjugofyra 34 - Trettiofyra 80 - Åttio
5 - Fem 15 - Femton 25 - Tjugofem 35 - Trettiofem 90 - Nittio
6 - Sex 16 - Sexton 26 - Tjugosex 36 - Trettiosex 100 - Hundra
7 - Sju 17 - Sjutton 27 - Tjugosju 37 - Trettiosju 1000 - Tusen
8 - Åtta 18 - Årton 28 - Tjugoåtta 28 - Trettioåtta 10000 - Tio tusen
9 - Nio 19 - Nitton 29 - Tjugonio 39 - Trettionio 100000 - Hundra tusen
10 - Tio 20 - Tjugo 30 - Trettio 40 - Fyrtio 0 - Noll

You see after 40 I did not write the 41, 42, etc. The reason is that you just keep the way counting like from 31 - Trettioett, Trettiotvå etc. When you listen to the audio below you might notice that when I pronounce for example Trettionio you do not hear the O from trettio but you pronounce it when you say 30 or 40 in Swedish. It will become silent in 31, etc.

Click on the play button to listen to the "Counting" in Swedish.

Lesson 3: How late is it?- Hur mycket är klockan?

Time to learn the "Time in Swedish" an hour is called "Timme" in Swedish. You can hover over or click on the image to make it bigger as in some browsers you might see the hands of the clock very well.

Tid Audio Tid Audio Tid Audio

Klockan är ett


Klockan är två


Klockan är tre


Klockan är fyra


Klockan är fem


Klockan är sex


Klockan är sju


Klockan är åtta


Klockan är nio


Klockan är tio


Klockan är elva


Klockan är tolv


Klockan är fem över tre


Klockan är tio över fyra


Klockan är kvart över fyra


Klockan är tjugo över två


Klockan är fem i halv fyra


Klockan är halv två


Klockan är fem över halv två


Klockan är tjugo i tre


Klockan är kvart i fyra


Klockan är tio i fem


Klockan är fem i sex


Klockan är sex över elva

Lesson 4: days and Months - Dagar och Månader

Names of days and months. A week in called "Veckor" in Swedish. You see that some months are the same in English. This is not a typo, in case you were wondering.

Days Dagar Months Månader
Monday Måndag January Januari
Tuesday Tisdag February Februari
Wednesday Onsdag March Mars
Thursday Torsdag April April
Friday Fredag May Maj
Saturday Lördag June Juni
Sunday Söndag July Juli
August Augusti
September September
October Oktober
November November
December December

Click on the play button to listen to the "Days" in Swedish.

Click on the play button to listen to the "Months" in Swedish.

Lesson 5: Greetings - Hälsningar

There are many ways to great someone like in other countries, but these are the most common ones

Eng Swe
Welcome Välkommen
Hello Hej
Good morning God morgon
Good afternoon God eftermiddag
Good evening God kväll
Good night God natt
Good bye Hej då

Click on the play button to listen to the "Greetings" in Swedish.

Lesson 6: Small conversation - Liten konversation

Eng You - Du Eng Me - Jag
Hello Hej Hello Hej
What is your name? Vad heter du? My name is Melanie. And you? Jag heter Melanie, och du?
My name is patty, How are you? Jag heter, Patty. Hur mår du? I am ok, thank you. And you? Jag, mår bra tack. Och du?
I am ok, thank you. Bra, tack. Where are you from? Varifrån kommer du?
I am coming from Ireland, and you? Jag kommer från Irland. Och du? I am from Germany. Jag kommer från Tyskland.
Nice to meet you. Good bye. Trevligt att träffas. Hej då Nice to meet you too. Good bye. Det samma. Hej då.

Congratulations, You now know how to say "Hi", "Good Bye" and ask how someone is, where are they coming from and ask for their name.

Click on the play button to listen to the "Conversation" in Swedish.

Lesson 7: Obestämd form of Singlular and Plural

Obestämd if a form of a noun where it describes an object or someone. Here above you see and can listen to some samples. You see that some words get "AR", "OR" and by bord, in plural it stays a bord Some words like the plural for "bok" changes a lot. See below. There are 5 rules, which we will discuss later. This is to show you and learn more of the Swedish language.

Single Plural Audio Single Plural Audio
1 fork

en gaffel

2 forks

flera gafflar

1 knife

en kniv

2 knives

flera knivar

1 spoon

en sked

2 spoons

flera skedar

1 book

en bok

2 books

flera böcker

1 car

en bil

2 cars

flera bilar

1 flower

en blomma

2 flower

flera blommor

1 table

ett bord

2 table

flera bord

1 lamp

en lampa

2 lamps

flera lampor

Lesson 8: Colors - Färger

Color Audio Color Audio Color Audio
























Quiz Time - Part 1

It is time for a quiz. Go the quiz tab and look up the "Swedish Quiz - Lessons 1 - 8" Forgive me for the simple looking style, this is the 1st quiz I have made with JavaScript following a video that I could actually follow. Once I have learned more hopefully, they will look better. But you can practice what you have learned, and that is the most important. Each quiz will contain 10 questions. Good Luck!

Lesson 9: Subject - Subjekt

How do you say "I", "She", "We", etc in Swedish.

English Swedish Sample English Sample Swedish Audio
I Jag I am a woman. Jag är en kvinna.
You Du You are my friend. Du är min vän.
She Hon She is my neighbor. Hon är min granne.
He Han He goes to school. Han går till skolan.
We vi We go to the cinema. Vi går på bio.
You Ni You work together. Ni arbetar tillsammans.
They De They run home. De springer hem.

You noticed that when pronouncing "De", it sound like "Dom" Also in Sweden you have letters you see but do need pronounce and letters you do not see, you pronounce. We will come back on this in other lesson.

Lesson 10: Question words - Frågeord

Like any language Sweden has specific words as well to start a question. See below with examples.

English Swedish Sample English Sample Swedish Audio
Who ..? Vem..? who will go to the beach? Vem går till stranden?
What..? Vad..? What is it? Vad är det?
Where..? Var..? Where do do you live? Var bor du?
Where (to)..? Vart..? where are you going? Vart ska du?
When..? När..? When are you going to school? När ska du gå i skolan?
Why..? Varför..? Why did you do it? Varför gjorde du det?
From where..? Varifrån..? Where are you coming from? Varifrån kommer du?
How..? Hur..? How are you? Hur mår du?
How much..? Hur mycket..? How much is that car? Hur mycket är den bilen?
How many..? Hur många..? How many cars do you have? Hur många bilar har du?

You notice that in English you have to 2x "Where" and 1 has to after it. Do difference is that "Vart" is used in question of where someone is going to, on holiday, to the store, work, etc. While "Var" is used of asking where something or someone is.

"När" is more related to a time when something will find place.

Lesson 11: På eller I (part 1)

På eller I. Eller means Or in English. I am not sure how much you know already about the Swedish language, if some you might have noticed these words a lot in different types of sentences. Even if you look in lesson 3 about time. See for example: Klockan är kvart i fyra. Meaning it is 15 minutes before 4 o'Clock. And an example of på you see in lesson: Vi går på bio. There is some logic but is most languages there are always some exceptions. See below several common examples and learning new words in the process. When you listen to the audio for at the station, you will hear I pronounce it differently. I will explain why this later in other lesson.

Eng I Audio Eng Audio
In the house. I huset. At the library. biblioteket.
In the store. I affären. At the cinema. bio.
In the kiosk. I kiosken. At the station. stationen.
In the church. I kyrkan. At the hospital. sjukhuset.
In school. I skolan. At the bank. banken.
In jail. I fängelset. At work. arbetet.
In the livingroom. I vardagsrummet. On the toilet. toaletten.
In the kitchen. I köket. On the balcony. balkongen.
In Sweden. I Sverige. On the street. gatan.
In Stockholm. I Stockholm. On the square. torget.
In town. I by. On the island. Ö.
In Smäland (region). I Småland. On the mountain. berget.
In love. Kär i. Angry with. Arg .
Crazy about. galen i. Sorry for. Ledsen .
In the City. I stan. At the forest. skogen.

As you see above there are different ways to us it. Below you see the usage for future and past time På eller i.

Datid (Past) Nutid (Present Framtid (Future) Varje (Each) English Audio
I går I dag I morgon - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
I morse - I morgon biti morgonen This morning, Tomorrow Morning, In the morning
I går kväll I kväll I kväll kvällen Last night, On the night
I natt I natt I natt natten Tonigth, At night
I julas I jul I jul och till jul julen Last christmas, At christmas, For christmas, On christmas
I lördags - lördag lördagar Last Saturday, On Saturday, On Saturdays

And? Did you find the logic? can be used as be as at, in, for, with while i can be used as in, about, past tense, present, future

In the 1st part of this lesson you might have spotted that when you are in a building or in a room, you mostly use i but toilet is using på. While it is in a room you still use . In lesson 12 you will see some more samples

Lesson 12: På eller I (part 2)

studyroom livingroom

From Från English Swedish Audio
From 1st image Från första bilden The chair stands on the floor. Stolen står golvet.
From 1st image Från första bilden The lamp stands on the bureau. Lampan står byrån.
From 1st image Från första bilden The notes hang on the wall. Anteckningarna hänger väggen.
From 1st image Från första bilden The papers are in the bin. Papperna ligger i papperskorgen.
From 2nd image Från andra bilden The lamp is hanging from the ceiling. Lampan hänger i taket.
From 2nd image Från andra bilden The pillows are on the sofa. Kuddarna ligger soffan.
From 2nd image Från andra bilden The coffee table stands on the carpet. Soffbordet står mattan.
From 2nd image Från andra bilden The tableware stands in the cabinet. Porslinen står i skåpet.
From 2nd image Från andra bilden The lamp stands on the floor. Lampan står golvet.
From 1st image Från första bilden The clock hangs on the wall. Klockan hänger väggen.

You might have notices if you know some words already that the end is different. For example. A lamp is in Swedish Lampan, I will come back on this in a later lesson.

Lesson 13: Verbs, Present and Past

The 1st word is the Verb or you can say the basic word, for example: Tala. The 2nd word is the present, for example: Talar. And the 3rd word is the past, for example: Talade. Here below you see more samples. So now and then you see that I have added 2 different words you can use depending the situation or sentence.

Img Eng Swe Audio Img Eng Swe Audio
talking Speak, Speaking, Spoke
Talk, Talking, Talked
Tala, Talar, Talade
Prata, Pratar, Pratade
scream Scream, Screaming, Screamed Skrika, Skriker, Skrek
sleeping Sleep, Sleeping, Slept Sova, Sover, Sov mailing Send, Sending, Sent Skicka, Skickar, Skickade
fly Fly, Flying, Flew Flyga, Flyger, Flög wakeup Wake, Wake Up, Woke Vakna, Vaknar, Vaknade
dream Dream, Dreaming, Dreamed Drömma, Drömmer, Drömde shop Shop, Shopping, Shopped
Buy, Buys, Bougth
Handla, Handlar, Handlade
Köpa, Köper, Köpte
cry Cry, Crying, Cried Gråta, Gråter, Grät cleaning Clean, Cleans, Cleaned Städa, Städar, Städade
marriage Marry, Marrying, Married Gifta, Gifter, Gifte read Read, Reading, Read Läsa, Läser, Läste
smiling Smile, Smiling, Smiled Le, Ler, Log coloring Paint, Painting, Painted
Draw, Drawing, Drew
Måla, Målar, Målade
Rita, Ritar, Ritade
ringing Call, Calling, Called Ringa, Ringer, Ringde blowing Blow, Blows, Blew Blåsa, Blåser, Blåste
laugh Laugh, Laughing, Laughed Skratta, Skrattar, Skrattade pointing Show, Shows, Showed
Point, Pointing, Pointed
Visa, Visar, Visade
Peka, Pekar, Pekade
fall Fall, Falling, Fell Ramla, Ramlar, Ramlade traveling Travel, Traveling, Traveled Resa, Reser, Reste
drink Drink, Drinking, Drank Dricka, Dricker, Drack eating Eat, Eating, Ate Äta, Äter, Åt
walking Go, Going, Went Gå, Går, Gick dishes Wash, Washing, Washed Diska, Diskar, Diskade
ski Go, Going, Went Åka (skidor), Åker, Åkte work Work, Working, Worked
Work, Working, Worked
Arbeta, Arbetar, Arbetade
Jobba, Jobbar, Jobbade
ride Ride, Riding, Rode Rida, Rider, Red move Move, Moving, Moved Flytta, Flyttar, Flyttade

These are just some examples. As you see like any language some words change strongly in past tense. While most verbs end in A, you see by Laugh Le it does not end in A, this is one of the exceptions. It is like any other language, you just have to learn and get comfortable with.

Click on the next Button or page number to continue to the next page with more lessons. Hope you have fun so far.